Welcome to Arden's Photo Galleries and Home Page.

The left photograph is me at age 67 (2011). The right photograph is me at age 75 (2019). Both were taken on my birthday.

My photograph My photograph

Direct links to the most recent content are provided below:

Gallery D: Scobey Hall, one of the oldest structures on the SDSU Campus has been demolished. I took several photos (June 22, 2022) of the remaining debris. These photos are in Gallery D Collection 21. Click on the following link to view the photos.

Click here to view Collection 21.


Gallery A: We visited Donald on the farm, Sept. 18, 2021. I took several photos of the 1949 John Deer tractor. This is an antique. I spent many hours operating this tractor.

These photos are in Gallery A, Collection 41.

Click here to view collection 41.


Gallery A: We visited Phoenix April 24 to 30, 2021:

These photos are in Gallery A, Collection 40.

The direct link to this collection is provided below:

Click here to view collection 40.


I have Galleries A, B, C and D, containing collections of photographs.

To access a gallery and its collections, click on the appropriate link provided below.

Gallery A: Family photographs.

To Gallery A.

Gallery B: Travel photographs.

To Gallery B.

Gallery C: Hiking, Hunting and Fishing photographs.

To Gallery C.

Gallery D: Landscape, Nature, Weather and simply, interesting photographs.

To Gallery D.

Lavonne's Flower Galleries:

Lavonne has several years of flower galleries.

To view a Gallery, click one of the links below:


No Gallery entries were provided for the Year 2021.

I have added content for 2022. Click on the link below to see the latest content.


To Lavonne's 2022 Flower Gallery.

To Lavonne's 2020 Flower Gallery.

To Lavonne's 2019 Flower Gallery.

To Lavonne's 2017 Flower Gallery.

To Lavonne's 2015 Flower Gallery.

To Lavonne's 2014 Flower Gallery.

To Lavonne's 2013 Flower Gallery.

Lavonne and I enjoyed a trip to Alaska (2016) to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary. These photographs were taken on the trip.

We flew out of Sioux Falls on Saturday, July 31, 2016. We flew from Sioux Falls to Minneapolis, then to Fairbanks, AK. The land tour extended from Aug. 1, through Saturday Aug. 6. August 6th we traveled by train to Wittier, AK. There we boarded the Princess Star for the cruise portion of the trip. The cruise began in Wittier and ended August 13, in Vancouver BC. From there we flew to Denver and then back to Brookings.

Clck on the link below to access the Alaska Vacation collections.

To the Alaska collections.

On the following pages are photographs and descriptions of content changes in the galleries. Direct links to these galleries are provided.

You may also go directly to the galleries by clicking on the gallery links above.

October 28, 2016: We took a driving trip to Chamberlain, SD to view the newly erected sculpture, "Dignity". It depicts a young Native American Woman.

The photographs are in Collection 12 in Gallery B.

Click here to view the collection.

October 14, 2016: Look who is the "Featured Hiker" on Camelback Mountain, Phoenix, AZ.

There are additional pages associated with this home page.

More home page photographs.

Click on the link below to return to the top of the home page.

To the top of the home page.