Arden's Home Page (cont.)

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Dec. 25, 2015. We were all in Phoenix for Christmas.

The photograph below is Ellen and Isabella arriving in Phoenix on Dec. 24, 2015.


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On Christmas Day we took a short desert hike on the north edge of Phoenix. The panorama below provides a perspective of the terrain. There were a fair number of people on the trail.

To see a the full collection of photographs taken during the hike, click on the link below the photographs.

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Click on the links below to see more photographs from our Christmas in Phoenix.


A family hike on Christmas day, 2015.

A collection of photographs from our family Christmas.

This is a panorama of a sever storm that was located about 110 miles SE of Brookings on the evening of July 16, 2015. Though not captured in this photograph, there was quite a bit of lightning in this formation.

Below are two photographs. The first proves that they do get frost in Phoenix. This photo was taken Dec.27, 2014. Phoenix did receive a few snow flakes a couple of days later.

The second photo is of me cutting grass Dec. 29. This represents two firsts for me. One cutting grass in December and the second, using Patrick's battery powered mower. Lavonne took this photograph.

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