Welcome to Lavonne's 2017 Flower Gallery.

The first flowers of the season.

March 27,2017: Crocuses.

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In the following table, the newst collection is at the top of the table.

May 28:, 2017: A small selection of new Photographs featuring recently emerged flowers and interesting colors. Note the Schwedler, It has a very distinctive spring look.

May 26, 2017: This blossom is from a plant in the onion family. It only blossums every two or three years.

May 8, 2017: Our Flowering Crab Tree (Blizzard) is nearly in full display.

Past dates when the tree was in full display: May 1, 2010, May 24, 2013 May 2,2015 and the current date.

These photogaphs were taken April 7, 2017.

Additional photographs of Crocuses.

This flower is a Lenten Rose. The heads on Lenten Rose's point downward.

All are early Spring flowers.

The first flowers of the 2017 season.

This photograph was taken March 27, 2017.

These are Crocus Flowers. They are blossoming just to the left of the front step and have been blossoming for a couple of days. As you can tell, note the blades of grass, these are very small flowers.

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