Welcome to Lavonne's 2014 Flower Gallery.

This gallery contains photographs of Lavonne's flowers.

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Here are the latest photographs of Lavonne's Gardens.

These two photographs were taken August 19, 2014. These flowers are Giant Hibiscus. The blossoms are 10 inches (25 cm.) in diameter. I believe you will agree that they are striking. They have just opened. They do not last very long.

These photographs were taken August 10, 2014.

These photographs were taken July 16, 2014.

These photograps were taken July 5, 2014. They complement the previous photographs.

These photographs were taken July 4, 2014. We have had good rainfall and lavonne's gardens are doing very well. Take a look.

These photographs were taken June 09, 2014. This is a sampling of some of the individual flowers in the gardens.

Lavonne's gardens are getting a good start due to the nice rains we have received.

These photogrpaphs were taken June 8.

The two photographs below are of our Flowering Crab Tree. The first was taken May 24. In this photograph the tree is covered with blossoms. The second photograph was taken two days later on May 26. In this photograph many of the blossom petals have fallen from the tree. This tree is referred to as "Blizzard" because of the appearance it gives when the petals are falling from the tree.

The petals on the ground do give the appeanance of snow.

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