The Buckskin Gulch Hike May 15th through the 17th, 2014.

The trail is 42 miles long. We finished it in 2.5 days.

The following photographs provide a preview of the Buckskin Gulch Hike.

Patrick and I hiked the Buckskin Gulch/Paria River Trail on May 15th through the 17th. We drove from Phoenix to Lee's Ferry on the Colorado River the afternoon of the 14th. This first group of photographs are photographs that I took at Lee's Ferry. This is the location where the rafters start their float through the Grand Canyon. The first photograph is Patrick by his Rubicon. The last photograph in this group is Patrick and I at the trail head at Buckskin Gulch. This photograph was taken by the driver that shuttled us from Lee's Ferry.


The photograph below is a panorama at the confluence of Buckskin Gulch and the Paria River (Utah/Arizona). Buckskin Gulch as at the left and the Paria River is at the right where Patrick is standing. This location is literally on the Arizona Utah border. You are looking north into Utah. The Buckskin Gulch Paria River trail is 42 miles long. Patrick and I finished the hike shortly afternoon on the 17th.

I Have added a selected set of photographs from our hike in Gallery C, Collection 10.

Click on the link below to take a photographic tour of the hike.

Starting with the collection index page 4 of 7 (Photograph 55, the lead photograph on this page) the rest of these photographs were taken along the Paria River.

To Gallery C, Collection 10.

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