Current Weather for Downtown Brookings South Dakota
Current Weather for Downtown Brookings South Dakota
48 Hour Forecast: Mostly clear with little temperature change. |
Temperature |
9.2°F | |
Humidity |
81% |
UV Index |
0.8 index |
Dewpoint |
4.6°F |
Wind |
NNW at 6.0 mph |
10 Minute Wind Average |
6.0 mph |
Barometer |
30.623 in & Steady |
Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr |
Today's Rain |
0.00 in |
Storm Rain |
0.00 in |
Monthly Rain |
0.00 in |
Yearly Rain |
21.21 in |
Wind Chill |
-0.8°F |
Heat Index |
9.1°F |
Sunrise and Sunset |
Sunrise: 7:45a Sunset: 4:49p |
Moon Phase |
New Moon |
Highs and Lows | ||
High TemperatureLow Temperature | 17.4°F at 12:00a6.0°F at 8:18a | |
High HumidityLow Humidity | 88% at 12:19a 81% at 1:36p | |
High DewpointLow Dewpoint | 14.0°F at 12:00a 3.0°F at 7:44a | |
High Wind Speed | 19.0 mph at 1:04a | |
High UV | 2.0 index at 11:59a | |
Low Wind Chill | -6.0°F at 8:35a | |
High Heat Index | 17.0°F at 12:00a |