A 30's Style 3 Tube Regen Receiver


I like to call this first photo "Genius in Progress" (that's a joke son).



Click below for a schematic.

Regen Schematic


This is the finished product. It looks a little better than the preivious picture but I have yet to add the dials. Note the 34 tube in the first socket. It is a Super Control RF-Amplifier tube that I could never quite get to work right. Even though it is not in the final circuit I left it there because I like the look of it and maybe some day when I have the chance I'll see if I can't get it working. I followed my usual constuction methods and most of the wood and the aluminum backing (nice picture of a winter Christmas scene) came from the Good Will, @ $2.00 for all.



Questions, Comments? send to rhaub@swiftel.net